3825 S. Military Trail Suite A1,
Lake Worth, FL, 33463
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Slipping transmissions are often noticed when you are driving and your engine revs at a higher rate than if the gears were engaged. When they actually are engaged the response in shifting is slow or uneven. Sometimes your transmission will slip in and out of gear but a slipping transmission doesn't always mean that they will slip out of gear. You may even hear abnormal sounds or feel a thump coming from the bottom of the car. Bring your car into The Lake Worth Transmission Repair Shop for a free diagnosis on your transmission as soon as possible to prevent further damage if something is wrong.
The most common repairs for slipping transmissions are replacing or adding fluids or replacing worn out parts. In the case of adding fluid, usually there is not enough fluid in the transmission so the system will not have enough hydraulic pressure to engage the gears efficiently. If the transmission fluid has gone bad from years of use and you do not service it at the timetable indicated by your car's manufacturer this can cause more serious problems that will cause slipping or worse. Make sure you do a transmission flush and proper maintenance on your transmission so you can avoid costly problems.
Automatic transmission have bands that link the internal gears together which become sworn out over time and often need replacing to correct slipping transmissions in cars and trucks. Adjustments may not fix the problem, so replacing these transmission bands needs to be done to avoid damage to the engine.
Another cause of slipping can be that your gears are worn out and the gears cannot grip each other's teeth which causes slippage.
Slipping gears are also caused by bad solenoids because they are valves that are electro hydraulic and controls the fluid running throughout your transmission's system. What happens is that the fluid can't get to where it needs to make the transmission run properly. The PCM and computer diagnostics can show us if this is the problem with your car or truck.
A malfunctioning torque converter can cause a vibration sound in slipping transmissions. The right amount of fluid won't pass through your transmission causing slipping and also poor acceleration and gas milage. There can be several issues involved with the torque converter such as needle bearings, seals, and solenoids, so this must be diagnosed by our experienced technicians.
A very common cause of slipping transmissions are damaged or worn out clutch plates which are in many parts of the transmission and in manual or standard transmissions this is more prevalent. Bring your vehicle in for a free diagnosis at The Lake Worth Transmission Repair Shop so we can correct any minor problems and get you back on the road again safely and inexpensively!